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Progressive Tax Services

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We were incorporated under our original name KTS Progressive Tax Services Inc. in July, 1991.  We began doing preliminary income tax calculations for our first clients in the fall of 1991, and we filed our first returns in February 1992.  Our offices were located in our own homes before renting an office on St. Anne’s road in Winnipeg.  The majority of our clients were farmers.  We would go to their homes and perform the bulk of the returns. At this time, we did businesses, corporations, rental operations, charities and trusts.  We eventually started serving clients throughout the Interlake region, Red River Valley, Eastern Manitoba and North-Western Ontario.

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Revenue Canada, now known as Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), introduced electronically filed returns (E-file) for the 1992 income tax year.  For the 1992 returns, KTS was one of Canada’s major users of the E-file system and we had a significant percentage of all of the E-filed returns in all of Canada.  With our business growing so rapidly, we rented a larger space in Oakbank, this is where we started our walk in side of the business.  In the summer of 2000, we had the opportunity to buy the two-story building we are in today to further expand our business especially the walk in side of it.  We moved our business right down town in the heart of Steinbach.   As it turns out we still prepare returns for our original clients in Oakbank, along with many new ones from all over the region.

Progressive Tax Services Inc. has always looked towards innovation and new technology to better serve our clients.  It is interesting to see that our first returns were printed single sheets on laser printers, followed by increasingly better printers that were able to print on both sides of the papers to scanning and E-filing. (no longer needing to mail in a return).  Being able to use digital formats has made it easier for us to scan and return all original documents to our clients.

We look forward to the next innovation to better serve you, our client.